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How Can You Balance Multiple Content Distribution Goals: Make Your Content Future-Proof  

Today, social media sources are more than half of the platforms compared to search engines, email, PPC, and more, where you can market your content. So many options are too perplexing for marketers, which hinders them from choosing the right platforms and promoting content strategically. With Spring Rankers, balancing your multi-channel distribution goals is easy. In this guide, we’ll break down the potential hurdles you might face while planning for content distribution on multiple channels. At the same time, our experts also offer a roadmap that leads you toward a harmonious process that will help maximize your achievements. Without further ado, let’s dive into the detailed discussion!  

What is Content Distribution?  

Content distribution is a part of your content marketing. While content marketing is more general, content distribution is more targeted. It means you have to target and deliver content to the exact right audience group who are interested in your business. Email is commonly exemplified as a form of content distribution. You can also distribute eBooks, videos, podcasts, infographics, case studies, blogs, webinars, etc. in different channels.  

Let’s clarify the content distribution channels:  

There are three types of channels: 

  • Owned Channels: Your business can own and control these channels. You can also decide when and how the content should be published.  
  • Websites, blog, email newsletter, social media profiles  
  • Earned/Shared Channel: Here, third parties share, mention, or promote your content. They can be anyone across your community.  
  • Guest posts, shares, mentions, forums like Reddit, Quora  
  • Paid Channels: When you pay to distribute your content on specific channels. You can call it paid marketing.  
  • PPC, sponsored, paid ads  

How Can You Balance Multiple Content Distribution Goals?  

Spring Rankers is the house of pro content marketers who boast a proven strategy to balance multiple content distribution goals. You can align with the strategy to get improved results:

How Can You Balance Multiple Content Distribution Goals

Fix Your Goal  

Why do you want to distribute a particular content? Is it for direct sales, creating brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads? Based on your goal, you can segment the audience group, determine distributing channels, and other result-driven tactics.  

Let’s make it more concise!  

If you have a website, it’s obvious that you want to drive “more” traffic. But how much is it? It can be 30% in 6 months or something else that is measurable, and you can actually achieve it.  

Select the Right Channels  

Instead of using a single channel or platform, you can utilize multiple channels that will enhance your connection with the audience. If you have a direct selling business to customers, you can distribute content on Instagram, Facebook, SEO. If you are a B2B marketer and want to increase brand awareness, you can utilize LinkedIn and email and remain active on forums like Quora, Reddit, etc. Balancing content distribution will be easier if you can successfully choose the right channels for your business.  

Customize Content for Each Channel  

You can create content in various formats, including image-based content, video content, or caption/text-based content. Each content should be customized for your selected channels. For example, Instagram is more popular for image-based and short-reel-based content promotion (and sales), whereas YouTube and podcasts are featured for long-form video content. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is for educational and insightful content.  

Measure Your Progress  

You can utilize the advantage of A.I. here. Just integrate with automation and analytic tools that will help you to track and improve content reach, click-through rates, conversions, engagement, etc. Check out which content is working, which platform is bringing more traction, and what’s working, and what’s not. Are they driving engagement and direct sales, or are you getting an increased bouncing rate?  

Repurpose Your Content  

If you recreate your existing content, you get two benefits- it’s timesaving and it’s result-driving.   

You might not always get enough time to create new content. So if you redesign the existing content or utilize any existing idea, it will save you time.  

Besides, based on the result of your content distribution on multiple channels, it’s likely to find the scope of improvement. Here, you can repurpose your existing content to make it more captivating for the audience.   

Pro Tips:   

  • While balancing multiple content distribution, you have to stay consistent in quality and quantity. Make sure you publish new content or recreate existing ones and publish them on a regular basis.  
  • You should expand your collaboration with micro marketers who can help in your content distribution process. Paid influencer marketing and podcasts are effective forms of cooperation.  
  • Always stay informed about what others (competitors) are doing and how. It might lead you to create insightful content.  

How to Build A Multiple Content Distribution Strategy  

To successfully distribute your content, you need to craft functional strategies. Let’s see what an effective content distribution strategy should determine:  

  • Set your content distribution KPIs and goals                
  • Target audience and buyer personas  
  • Decide content types and create formats  
  • Fix content-distributing channels/platforms  
  • Craft relevant content and customize them  
  • Create editorial calendar  
  • Customize tactics for each platform  
  • Distribute and market your content                
  • Performance monitoring plan  

We recommend drafting two or three strategies to see which one brings the best outcome (A/B testing) for your business.  

Why is Balancing Important for Multiple Content Distribution?  

Balancing is important to achieve multiple content distribution goals as it determines your resources are optimized. It also ensures that you can reach the target audience effectively and maintain your brand impact across the market. Let’s see the key points that will brief you on the importance of balancing multiple content distribution processes:  

  • It maximizes your visibility and engagement  
  • You can get a more comprehensive insight into your audience  
  • You can easily tailor your approach to achieve different goals like increasing sales and brand awareness.  
  • You can easily optimize your resources for different channels  
  • You can achieve enhanced adapting capacity (algorithm changes, trends, user preferences)  
  • Leverage your conversions- turning prospects into customers and increasing direct sales.  

How Multiple Content Distribution Works? 

To give you an in-depth insight into how you should distribute content, we have projected a case study for better understanding.  

BusBud is a travel website for local and international travelers from North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia. It sells bus tickets that offer intercity bus routes in 80 countries.  

The online travel website intended to increase its geographic appeal, so it organized a marketing campaign named “Most Instagrammed Location in USA and Canada. The purpose of this campaign was to attract travellers and publishers within their targeted locations.  

How did BusBud do this?  

  • They pulled data from Instagram’s API and identified some beautiful places where people take the most Instagram Photos.  
  • Then, by using those data, BusBud segmented the types of places in a series of charts and added their locations.  
  • After that, the Busbud shared some of the best collections on its Instagram story!  

And see what the campaign achieved-  

  • Local publishers were attracted  
  • Busbud’s content was covered by the Chicago Sun-Times,, and some other local media and television channels.  
  • Those contents got over 40,000 social shares,   
  • a 40% increase in organic U.S. traffic   
  • 300 stories with placements on Yahoo, Business Insider, NBC News, and on other global media.  

Final Words  

Content distribution involves two main parts- choosing the right platform and hooking the right audience. Distributing content is equally important as crafting compelling content for your business. If you can utilize multiple platforms, you can achieve your bigger goal. Most marketers use social media to distribute their content. Research shows that marketers who utilize social media channels snag 45% more prospects than sales reps, 51% of them are more likely to meet their sales targets, and 78% of them exceed their peers who don’t use social media. Apart from social media platforms, you can remain active on your other owned channels or earned channels. If you’re planning to spend more on content distribution, then you can try paid channels, too!  

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